Monday, December 24, 2018

Germany: More Chatter

Every year, around Christmas, the German President (not the Chancellor) gives a Christmas speech.  This tends to be a somber call to remember the past year, the woes, those who passed on, building up confidence of the public, and to look toward the future.

So last night, President Steinmeier gave his piece.  This was a slightly different version.  I'll reference the basic story back to ARD's coverage of the speech (public TV). 

In this speech, he kinda talked about the issue of 'speechlessness' in society.  The hint was that if people don't openly discuss topics, have some reasonable debate, and reach a compromise....then you will end up like France, Britain or the US (particularly the US....well, ESPECIALLY the US).

Steinmeier his humble opinion.....Germans were talking less, and compromising less.  The great 'poisoner' of society.....the internet and social his mind, was creating solutions which weren't helpful for the Republic. 

He may have a point or two, but both the internet and social media has made up for the great weakness of the print and news media.  When you have a news message that seems to be constructed to fit some social or political agenda....the public will become skeptical.  It's only because the internet/social media exists now.....that skeptics can gather....ask questions and determine the fake nature of the news and public positions of politicians, and frustration becomes vocialized. 

His key point on compromise?  You have to have two groups that agree a compromise will occur, and compromise is constructed in a way that seems open and transparent.  So you use the diesel car mess in Germany.  Perhaps you own a diesel car and you ask.....what compensation will I be offered for banning access to my car?  What you silence (no compromise). 

The continuing upward spiral over cost of electricity?  You go and ask why this issue exists, and then you turn to face the government and the various regulations and 'forbidding' tactics that have fallen into place.  You want a compromise, and what you hear is silence (no compromise).

This year, after x-number of assault or threat cases in Wiesbaden that involved knives....we came to the 'compromise' to resolve this.....a weapons-free zone.  Some Germans would argue that stopping people within the zone of the city and desiring a frisk of the individual is a bit crappy on personal rights.  If caught with a knife on your person within the zone?  Well....the fines and jail-time make it a serious life experience.  That's the compromise made. 

With all the frustrations brewing over railway travel.....what will be the end solution or compromise?  The significant increase in ticket prices to fix or repair the national railway system.  Will it be a happy compromise?  No.

Will the speech make much of an impact on Germans?  No.  Journalists will hype on it and maybe three or four televised public TV chat forums in January will highlight his social message to the public. For most Germans, his words will have been forgotten by tomorrow morning. 

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