Saturday, December 1, 2018

The EU Seat at the UN Game?

It wasn't front-page news, and I doubt if more than one-percent of Germans actually caught the piece....but the vice-Chancellor of Germany/Finance Minister (Olaf Schloz) spoke up at a speech and made this suggestion....converting the France seat at the UN into a EU seat. 

It was Schloz speaking.....not Chancellor Merkel.

How this would be sold?  The EU needs to speak with one voice, and at the UN....this one voice would make a difference.  The fact that every EU member has a seat within the UN?  When you get down to the 'five' (US, UK, China, Russia and France)....they all need to vote to approve something, or it simply doesn't pass.

Would France give up this seat?  I have my doubts.  There's not much to gain other than appeasing the pro-EU crowd.  Maybe there are enough pro-EU folks around in France to push this through.  But if you left this to the general public or to a, it probably wouldn't change. 

So this was just a speech without much value?  More or less.

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