Thursday, December 13, 2018

How the Radicalized Trend Works

Most people try to make this a two-line text explanation, that always starts with some 'wicked' Mullah guy and a naive young guy.  But I'll explain the Islamic radicalization trend in a different way.

'Timmy' and 'Elmer' are two young first generation Germans of a Islamic family that moved into the country.  It doesn't matter which country they came from, except it's always a Muslim country in north Africa or in the Middle East.

You would think being born in Germany.....first-generation....that the kid has an absolute chance to make it., that's not the path.

Around four years old, 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' are put into the Kindergarten atmosphere.  There are certain practical skills that you'd typically pick up in this situation (even at age four).  One of these skills is team-work or working together.  Neither 'Timmy' or 'Elmer' seem to grasp this.  Out of the twenty-odd objectives in Kindergarten....these two probably only grasp about half of the life skills.

So they start to school.  'Timmy' and 'Elmer' ought to have parents reading books to them....gaining an interest in reading skills, and developing math skills.  In their case, it's marginally happening.  Around the third grade, both 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' could be measured and the numbers will reflect that they are a full-year behind in reading, comprehending, and math skills.  By the fifth grade, it's more than obvious to the teachers that 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' are at the lower end of the class.

Both boys will be sent to the Haupt-schule environment (the lower of German schools) after this fifth grade.  Typically, they ought to advance and get tutor-help ($$$). German parents know of this option and will hire up a tutor operation after school to help elevate the boys to better scores, and give them the comprehension skills necessary.  But in the case of their parents....this won't happen.

So around the 8th grade, apprentice school chatter is starting up.  'Timmy' and 'Elmer' are writing practice resumes and hoping to be picked up by various business operations for an apprentice slot.  By the end of the 9th grade, acceptance to some apprentice deal should occur.

'Timmy' and 'Elmer' have marginal potential, but they get picked up by a business.  Being 15 years old....they have limited maturity and don't grasp the implications of failing in the apprentice school situation.

Six months into the apprentice deal, 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' are brought into the big office and basically told they aren't making it.  They show up late.....they offer marginal homework....test scores aren't showing any capability.  So they drop the deal.

'Timmy' and 'Elmer' sit around for six months, doing mostly nothing.  No one wants to waste time on them.  They try to socialize with old school buddies.  Half of them are busy with the apprentice work, and the other half are failed apprentice folks.....but hard working for some grocery store or flipping burgers to make a living.

Eventually, 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' bump into someone who knows of a German who has watch collection worth some money.  'Timmy' and 'Elmer' break into the house and steal the collection (worth 50,000 Euro).  Here, 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' demonstrate their lack of comprehension.  They have stolen goods, but you have to deal them to a 'middle-guy', and the guy at best....will only offer 4,000 Euro.  'Timmy' and 'Elmer' are happy because it's finally something that produces money.

Naturally, 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' spend the money on a great drug-induced weekend....lots of booze, and two weeks later....the cash is gone.  So they move onto robbery number two.

At some point, maybe a year into this....their drug dealer friend will have a deal.  If they go to Hamburg and pick up a bag for him....he'll reward them with a thousand Euro (easy cash).  Over the next year, 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' get deeper into the drug dealing (on the street and courier operations).  One of them will get picked up, arrested, and sent off for a year of prison.  The other will fall into a police situation within six months.

By age twenty five, what you can say about 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' is that they are four-star losers.  Even though they were born in Germany.....educationally....they are a minimum of one entire level below the kids they were friends with in kindergarten.  If you looked at the resume....they might have held one single job since age sixteen, but they were fired because they showed up late,or were pilfering the business.  Oddly, both 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' are always hanging out with associates at the local Islamic center.  For them, it's a social thing....more than a religious thing.

But somewhere around age twenty-five, both 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' are deep into drug usage, and come to some moment of reality that they've failed in life.  They can't get a real job....have a real family....or find any success.  In simple terms, they are miserable.  So this pathway at the center opens up with some Mullah or radicalized instructor, and they are given this enlightenment moment. 

The suggestion here?  You can do one great act for the religion and receive a greater path in life.  Naturally, some killing is necessary. 

So in the end, 'Timmy' and 'Elmer' have wasted every single opportunity given, and the system didn't stand up and correct their actions back when they were four years old, or throughout the next dozen years of school.  They were born on a loser path, and they will die on this loser path.  This is how you produce a radicalized 'Timmy' and 'Elmer'.

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