Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Three German 'Bits' on the Covid-19 Discussion

I noticed Focus talking about this here in the AM today.

1.  Right now, the Germans have 128 areas from across the globe which are considered 'hot spots' and if you return from these areas....you MUST have the test done within 72 hours. 

Curiously, even Luxembourg-City is on the list.  So if you just drove across the border to buy a bucket of fried chicken in Lux-City....you'd have to take the test.

2.  Refusing the mandated test?  Legally, within the Infection Protection Act (para 5)....the government can mandate you take the test.  

3.  Could they force the police to get involved?  Well....right now, there's still a discussion on this topic.  The order, if given, has to be done at the state level....NOT the federal level.

There's also this curious new item I saw (a 2-liner)....involving refugees.  Some state government (not the federal folks) wrote up a regulation that says if you are a refugee, in a compound or temp-facility, and you need to see a doctor about a sprained knee or a cut on your leg....the doctor has to accomplish a Covid-19 test while you (the refugee) are in the medical facility.  It doesn't apply to Germans. 

Naturally, this is triggering some refugees in the centers to consider treatment or refuse to see the doctor....because of the Covid-19 test requirement being mandated upon them.

Even some Germans are questioning where this idea came from.  

It wouldn't surprise me in six months if a German came to visit some clinic for a shoulder issue, and the Covid-19 test business came up.

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