Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Germany and Covid: 23 Nov 2021

 1.  What was referred to as the 'toothless wonder' in 2020....the Covid warning App is being hyped-up to 'save' people now.  I kinda questioned the hype and the App.

Generally, it was well built and would gauge your distance (within x-number of feet) to people who also had the App on their smart-phones.  If you didn't carry a smart-phone....the App was useless.  If you tested positive....they'd ask for your number and then the computer would do a walking history of people who you bumped into....for the past number of hours, within that 1.5 meter distance....for approximately 2 minutes.  If the guy was there for sixty seconds?  It didn't register him.  

For each benefit that the App had....there was a negative.  For Germans hyped-up on privacy....while the developer crowd and government promised this would never be used in any manner except Covid-tracking....while probably a quarter of the population had doubts.  Personally, I didn't care....but I didn't really want my wife tracking my every move.  

As for this 'saving' people now?  With an enormous number of people infected....the idea is that the database can finally deliver analysis.

2.  The 7-day infection rate as of last night?  399.8.  Yes, extremely high.

3.  Shutdown odds?  I'd say in about ten days, unless some change comes on the numbers....I'd go and predict shutdown occurs, and some kinda curfew (probably affecting only non-vax) will occur.  This to be more of regional shutdowns, than a national all-Germany deal?  It's very likely. 

4.  Soccer coach forced to resign because of a fake vaccination card?  Yeah, Werder Bremen's coach....Markus Anfang.  Legally.....he probably will be charged up and face some kind of hefty fine.  Across the country?  Anyone's guess, but there might be 100k folks holding fake vaccination cards (going for 150-200 Euro presently on the black market).

5. Fear politics leading over crisis management?  This has been kicked around for the past month.  A lot of Germans are suggesting a change in government is now a positive thing.  Some believe that the worst management decisions made so far.....were politically handled.  

6.  This idea by the Health Minister...Spahn....to make all of Germany a 2G mandate (vaxed-up or recovered)?  Legal minds have mostly laughed....suggesting that it'd have immediate push-back by non-vax crowd. Enforcement?  You'd have to add tens of thousands of police/monitors....to make something like this work.

7.  There are five German states with a 7-day incidence rate over 500 (mostly all in the south and east).  Reported in AM today.  

8.  The Verdi union saying they won't support mandatory vaccination rules for certain occupational fields (nursing or rest-home operations).  I would say that's a major problem now for the government to counter.

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