Friday, November 19, 2021

Just How Effective Are the Vaccinations?

 Well....Focus went and published a piece today over the three topic vaccines.  I would strongly recommend a read.

So, Umeå University (Sweden) did a study of people and vaccines, and it's pretty dismal news on effective rates.

The three studied?  Moderna, AstraZenica, and Biontech.

At the 1-to-2 month point?  Moderna was leading at 95-percent effective.  AstraZenica?  It's fallen to around 55-percent.  Biontech is holding at 90-percent.

How things stand at four months?  Biontech has fallen to around 50-percent, with Moderna at 70-percent.  AstraZenica?'s fall to below 0-percent.

Moderna at six months?  It's at around 60-percent while Biontech has fallen to 30-percent.

So if you did use AstraZenica?  Either you are doing a booster by the 3rd month, or it's worthless.  

If this study is correct?'d have to do boosters every six months minimum (preferably Moderna or Biontech).  

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