Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Living Will Suggestion

 Boris Palmer, mayor of the German city of Tubingen (Baden-Wurttemberg), is/was a member of the Green Party.  The Party has deemed him a problem and is exercising him out of the party.  Chief reason?  He says a lot of things that put him on the radical side of thinking.

So Palmer came up in the last day or two....looking at the number of people in Germany who are non-vax (probably toward 20-percent of the adult population.  

Palmer then said...if you believe in non-vax, fine....but you ought to go all the way and write a 'living will', which indicates when/if you get will decline the hospital option (if you are bad off).  In simple terms, if that wouldn't get hospital care, or the ventilator treatment.  

I sat and pondered over the suggestion.  It is a bit extreme, and will get a fair amount of attention.  

After a while, I came to agree with Boris Palmer on this living will idea and declining the hospital option.  In fact, I'd like to double-down (as they say in Vegas).

I'd like to include a second group in the living will deal.....those who vaccinate.  

I'd like to suggest that once you got are fully protected and have no need for hospitals or ventilators.  Course, I would suggest that this is for 90 days after the vaccination, and as it weakens.....after the 90th day, the living will deal will cease for six months.  If you don't booster up by the 9th month?  Then I'd put you back on the living will deal, and forbid you the use of the hospital for Covid treatment.

Lets just be blunt....the vaccine is a wonderful thing and gives you absolute you don't need to worry about any hospital stuff.

When you reach this level of thought.....I think the next step is the hard drug crowd, and get them to also write a living will.  Once you overdose.....the first time that the ambulance comes to save get full treatment.  On the 2nd time, the living will ought to kick in, and once the crew confirms who you are, and this is no-help situation. 

We could lessen cost expenditures for healthcare, and decrease the number of man-hours for urgent care.  

Odds that the German government will listen to Palmer?  Zero.  

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