Friday, November 19, 2021

Why Can't Cities Utter Shutdown or Curfew?

 This sense of Covid urgency leads to a brief discussion. 

The problem is....the politicians and virus-experts led everyone to the thrills of natural immunity/herd immunity with all the Covid chatter of 2020.  So here you are....with all the vaccinations done, and double the infection rates of 2020.

You can't go and threaten people with shutdown or curfew at this point....not unless you say the magic's the non-vax crowd that you want to shutdown or to curfew them out of bars, pubs, and restaurants.  In the next four weeks, leading up to Christmas....I generally expect virus-experts to hint that it's just odd....the vax-people hanging out at pubs and restaurants....have continued to ship Covid around the country.

So, then what?  

That's the less than thrilling conversation that no one really wants to stumble into. 

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