Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How My Local Christmas Market Will Run

 So, the city of Wiesbaden gave a 'blessing' for the operation to run (a fair number of Christmas Markets across Germany did not).

Basic rules?

1.  Once you enter the 'zone', even while it's out-of-doors....you are mandated (as adult or kid) to wear a mask.

2.  In the 'controlled' area, with food/beverage stands.....there's a place where you go and show your vax-card or your recovery status.  There, you get a wrist band (no cost).  Then you can go to buy a gluh-wine, or any number of food items.  The non-vax will not be allowed to buy in this area.

3.  Fine for not wearing mask?  Of course.

4.  Strict enforcement?  Police and hired-monitor will be walking around.  The non-vax 'herd' is being kept at a distance.  

So if you were non-vax, you can consider the Christmas Market to be off-limits.  My suggestion....buy a bottle of gluh-wine and sip it (cold) at some park bench away from the fest.  You can stop at McDonalds or Burger King for food.....no 2G rule on their counter (you can't eat inside anyway).

Crapped up?  Of course.  But I'm suspecting in about two weeks....another big political meeting, and a major shutdown announced for mid-December.

There's no doubt that the beverage/food stands are making less money.  There's little doubt that older Germans are fearful of public locations and getting Covid.  Money being generated by the food stands?  I'll make the prediction that they will feel lucky if they make 40 to 60 percent of their normal income.  

That Christmas 'cheer' feeling?  It's best not to bring it up.  

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