Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Sha Ka Ree Moment

 For about a month now in Germany, there's been the hype of compulsory Covid vaccinations.  I've sat and pondered upon the idea.

The situation would work this way....the Bundestag would draft up a bill and just say you are mandated to perform this function....whether you agree or not.  Then they'd say.....no job, no grocery shopping, no welfare, no healthcare options, nothing unless you cooperate.  

Surely at this point, the anti-vax folks would realize the enormous power of the government and that they could force you to perform 'anything'.  Then.....overnight.....everything would be resolved and in thirty days.....Covid would just disappear.  

It'd be like some volcano existed in Germany, and a month later....it didn't exist any longer.

People would feel at peace, and drawn to recite poems about the greatness of being vaccinated.  

Yes, it'd be like some Jesus-moment where you had this enormous bowel movement, and then in the midst of prayer.....it went down the toilet....down the pipes, and went to the city sewage system.

Then in the distance, you can sense this moment approaching....kinda like when Captain Kirk is at the 'final frontier' and God/Sha Ka Ree says he needs a spaceship.  Kirk wakes up from some reflection (thinking of that hot gal on Bashir-9 that had the 3 boobs) and then asks if things were all powerful (like God or the government is)....why couldn't you just do things without the support of humans/voters or cooperation/ask for a stupid star ship/vax.

At that point, you realize that the whole draw of mandated vaccination....would be difficult if you still had Covid going through a community....six months later.  

What would happen in November 2022....with massive numbers approaching and a 100-percent vaccination deal?  Total farce for the government's agents to sell any brand of Covid from that point on.  

So I think one of two things will happen.  Either a eternal fight between the vax/non-vax folks.....or 100-percent accomplishment with total loss of faith in the governments ability to handle this chaos and crisis. 

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