Thursday, January 13, 2022

Covid and Cannabis

 For weeks and weeks, I've been wondering why the homeless population of the US  west coast hasn't been 'harmed' by Covid.  So today, via N-TV German news.....there is this odd item which might explain this.

Oregon State University researchers asked the question....could Cannabis 'fight' Covid?

Well....yeah, what they found.....was that cannabinoids does help to block Covid from entering the cells.  So their comment does in some way help to protect against Corona.

More research?  No doubt.  But Cannabis oils will probably be some future 'solution' and we will be utterly shocked when the various Doctor 'Dooms' urge people to use Cannabis oil or huff on some joint.  

So to the homeless question?  I would imagine over 90-percent smoke Cannabis on a daily routine.  That might explain part of this 'protection'.  

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