Thursday, January 20, 2022

Second Booster Chatter

 I sat watching N-TV this morning (commercial German news), and this odd update came up.  They were discussing the first a big hyped-up deal for Germans and Covid.  Last was discussed that 35-million Germans had the first booster done.

So N-TV brought up this virus expert....he's hyping the second booster (yes, already).  But here's the thing....he says the second booster has to occur within 90 days of booster number one.  Otherwise, it's just not that effective. 

The odds of this being accomplished?  I'd give it a one in a hundred.  You'd have to run some vaccination center 24 hours a days a week, and bring out 20,000 retired doctors to help make this possible.  Otherwise?  Effective nature is lessened.  

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