Friday, January 7, 2022

New Covid Ban Rules?

 Draft proposal up for today and in rumors.

1.  2G-plus for resturant eating being discussed (meaning you are vaxed-up/recovered AND you got tested in the past 24 hours), if you fall into a hot-zone.  It adds another layer of hassle....if you wanted to eat out, you'd have to be tested (free).  Cutting into customers?  I'd suggest that about a third of the people who were still openly eating out at this point....might not be that thrilled to take an extra 30 minutes out of their day to test.

2.  FFP-2 masks being mandated for grocery/regular stores, and on trains/buses.  

Up until this point, they accepted the FFP-2 and the surgical/medical masks.  To note the difference between the two.....the surgical masks are cheaper (30-percent less) and allow some airflow.  The FFP-2?  It reminds me of the old chem-warfare masks of the military days, and restricts air flow a good bit.  In a one-hour grocery trip?  I'd be breathing around 50-percent carbon dioxide and be fairly weak-headed.  

So I'm not pro-FFP-2 and I suspect they will see more cases of people fainting in stores while wearing the mask.  

How many Germany wore them before this discussion?  I'd say it was 50-50 between FFP-2 and surgical masks.  

3.  The quarantine period is going to be suggested to be shortened (7 days).  But you'd have to PCR test to prove you were 'over' it.  Can people be well over the 7th day?  I'd say yes, but if you asked if I'd be full-strength yet?  NO.  I'd say the vast majority of people won't be full power for at least 15 days from the start-up.

By this afternoon, we will know the chatter from the state governments and how far this discussion went. 

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