Sunday, January 9, 2022

Germany and Covid: 9 Jan 2022

 1.  Focus wrote a good commentary over the compulsory Covid shot business.  There was a lot of chatter (back in Nov) about a mandate being handed down for March of 2022.  Well....the Chancellor isn't that keen anymore and it appears that mandate is slipping.  There is a debate scheduled for the 26th/27th of January on this topic.....anyone's guess how this will go.  

That EU directive still out there?  Yes....simply speaking, it says you have the right to the have the right to decline the shots.  So no matter how they argue this...even if a compulsory mandate is voted will be challenged to the EU court and I suspect the mandate will fail.

I did notice from this article....polling done nationally on the topic....ONLY 61-percent of Germans felt a compulsory Covid shot must be done.  So it's not exactly supported nationally.  

On the topic of the nurses of Germany to be forced by the 3rd week of March to get the shot?  It's anyone's guess if that will happen or hospitals start expressing shock that 10-to-20 of their workers refuse.  

2.  German death count since day one?  113,939.  Total infected since day one?  7,505,292.  

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