Sunday, January 9, 2022

News Chatter

 This past week, ARD/ZDF (public TV in Germany) hyped up the 6th of January insurrection in the US.  At some point, they wanted everyone to know that five were dead over the insurrection.  I sat there and was shaking my head, because you'd have to go and ask the did each of the five die, and that by itself is a curious story to tell.

1.  Ashli Babbitt, the only person physically killed that day.  She was a 35-year-old Air Force vet, who made it into the capital building....unarmed.  She was shot in the chest by a capital policeman while viewing through a window of a door.  Court system ruled it justified homicide.  

2.  Brian Sicknick, 42 years old.  He wrapped up duty that day.....after getting a dose of pepper-spray on two occasions.  He went back to his office and was sitting there around two hours after all the excitement.....then had a heart attack.  It should be noted that around 10-percent of all off-duty deaths of police in America....come from heart attacks.  Since 2016, around 51 police deaths while on duty....came from heart attacks.  

3/4.  Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Philips, 50.  Both had heart disease in their medical history, and simply had heart attacks from the stress of the day.  

5.  Rosanne Boyland, 34.  In her case, she actually died from a amphetamine overdose.  The story of being trampled?  Bogus.   How many people die yearly from amphetamine overdosing?  In 2017.....the US number was around 7,000.

The thing about ZDF/ARD....they usually just copy whatever the NY Times/WaPo prints, and never do any research beyond that point.  

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