My wife's company hands her two Covid test kits each week, and she's supposed to test at home (usually Monday and Thursday mornings).
She handed me the 'kit' and I'm supposed to apply the test (don't ask why, other than I'm more technical than she is).
So a week ago....she handed two kits....a brand which I'd never used before. I'm the type that prefers to watch the YouTube video....rather than reading the instructions.
I look over the kit name, and search it via YouTube.....coming to two in German, and one in Thai-English.
I sat there for a you'd think that someone Chinese company (those are the only ones that manufacture these) would have a plain regular English video on this. It's not rocket-science.
I sat and watched the 90-second Thai-English explanation. Luckily, the Thai gal did include some English text in this, because the accent demanded a lot of attention.
So I apply the test. The little 'band' which is supposed to show positive/negative? was fairly faint (at least negative once I applied a mega flashlight on it). Then I looked at the expiration's about two weeks from expiring. Made on x-day, and expiration is 365 days later. I just stood there....shaking my head. Maybe it sat in a Chinese warehouse for six months, and only got delivered to Germany in the past month....for all I know.
All of this is supposed to make you feel good and safe. I don't bring up these details to the wife....she just wants a feel-good feeling.....negative on the test, and the boss is happy.
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