Sunday, January 16, 2022

Protest Summary

 Some journalist sat and asked Thomas Haldenwang ('boss' of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, or the German Verfassungsschutz....the German version of the FBI)....just how many radical extremists now exist within the anti-vax folks.  

His response?  His office has no clear idea.

The thing about these marches/walks....up until the fall of 2020....this 'radical' group didn't exist.

Oh, I might have bundled some of them into various other 'anti' groups, but I'd suggest that more than half of the current protest crowd members are just regular people who've run out of patience, and find themselves walking in circles with the ban-rules....never leaving the circle.

Even if the Verfassungsschutz used their powers and began to really surveil members of the movement.....there's no real organization.  People advise times/locations via social media, but there is no real political organization or front-people. A few people get up and make a speech but there's no national agenda other than people being anti-ban-rule.  

Are the big political parties worried over this?  Well....they'd certainly prefer to see zero protest marches, and when these come on via public TV suggests that the nation is not united.  If I had to make a guess many people presently show up at least once a week to a 'walk'?  I'd take a guess it's around 250k.  But on top of that....there's probably another two-million who lean/support the group to some degree.....but really don't want to spend 90 minutes on a cold Monday night on some protest.  

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