Friday, April 14, 2023

Book Chatter

 Rainer Zitelmann wrote up a piece for Focus today, and discussed the new book coming out from  Greta Thunberg.  Name of the book?  'Climate Book'.

Zitelmahn read the book and gave a review.  Key comments?  Well...Greta basically said that capitalism (as we know it) has to conclude/end, and that the state needs to carry out mandates on bring change.

It's a thick book....roughly 480-odd pages, and it's more of a collection of essays....which she contributes some of the content, while others also offer commentary.

You can read the review here.

I won't offer a review or commentary over the book (I simply haven't read it).  But I will comment on this odd phenonium of anti-capitalism and climate change.  

Dirty air, pollution and poverty were key phrases uttered in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.  Oddly, through technology, innovation and efforts....things changed and improved.  

To suggest capitalism will end climate need to have logic or reasoning to put on the table.  Suggesting government mandates will solve your problems?  I haven't much of an indicator this is popular with people.  

This book to be discussed much with Germans?  I would imagine it'll be dragged out for several chat forums.  

1 comment:

Daz said...

"Dirty air, pollution and poverty were key phrases uttered in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Oddly, through technology, innovation and efforts....things changed and improved. "

Three improvements only came after the regulation and government interference. Pretending that industry will police itself and go against shareholder value is fantasy land.