Sunday, April 23, 2023

My Thing About Temperatures

 I noticed this week....lot of hype in the UK about upcoming 'heat waves' in England. be honest, they were suggesting something like 24 C (75 F) is a heat wave.  

Germans?  They generally freak out when it reaches 30 C (86 F).  

I spent time in Arizona....where the temperature on a couple of occasions reach 47 C (117 F).  I also spent time in Panama where the humidity would be 80-percent, and the day temperature would reach 34 C (94 F).....and you were in a serious sweat situation for five hours out of the day.  

It's hard to sell me on some heat-wave business.  Even if you mess with the weather map and redden all the temperature readings on the say 34 C (93 F) is RED-RED-RED.....I just start laughing.

How did Germans survive the past couple thousand years without dreadful 34C (93 F) temperatures?  They probably consumed a fair amount of beer, sat under trees, and wore minimum clothing.  

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