Thursday, April 13, 2023

Six German News Stories

 1.  NDR has a report...there's a Danish journalist collecting all the data in the Nord Stream I/II explosion.  He says....that facts don't match up in the boat rental and Ukrainians conducting the 'job'.  

He suggests that some facts now lead back to Russians (from Kaliningrad). 

After reading through his various comments....I'd say he has more than three facts to support his commentary, and it's worth reviewing.  

2.  There's talk of a Baltic Sea national park along the eastern side of German.  Some cities are now worried that restrictions will come into play.....dissolving the current tourism numbers.  Whether this stops the national park chatter or not....unknown.

3.  Down in Heidelberg....some guy was hired to 'clear' a apartment.  In the midst of the clearing....he finds gold bars/coins.

Cops get called, and after a long review.....the old renter was a 90-year old guy....who'd bought the gold years ago (suggesting more than 40 years ago)....and had forgotten about the hiding place and the gold.  Value?  135k Euro.  

What's left?  Well...the old guy gets it back, but there's some discussion about this being brought to the police and if a finder-fee is in order ('d be paid 'something' for being honest).

Note on the German finder's fee generally says between 3 and 5 percent of the value....ought to be given to the finder. In this'd be talking about 4,050 Euro minimum (coming from the old guy).  

4.  The Pfalz state government has decided to use old Air Force dorms/housing, to house Hahn (the old US base).

The base closure? was closed back in early this housing/dorm structures....have been mostly sitting there.  Personally, I would have doubts that it's 'safe' (without mold/mildew).  Maybe they renovated it and cleaned it all up. But the bigger issue....which any AF guy who spent time on Hahn would readily identify....there's really nothing there in the Hahn region (no excitement, no jobs, no atmosphere).  Whether this will be acceptable for the refugees?  Unknown.

5. Hype going on with the Turkish Germany?  Well....if you live around the Turkish neighborhoods/sections of town....yes, there's a fair amount of chatter going on.  Turks in Germany would be voting in the upcoming election.

This bothering the Germans?  If you review the words of the chief prosecutor of Germany....he wants zero 'inhumane speech' (meaning no hate speech).  

6.  DW Report......some van crossing over from Belgium into Germany was stopped to 'audit'.  What the cops found?  Cooked bats.  

Several violations....uncooled fish in the vehicle as well.  Driver was a Ivory Coast citizen.  

Guess I should add....the guy had no license, while driving the he's in trouble for that issue as well.

The bats?  If you are from's considered a delicacy and acceptable.  With Germans? I doubt it.  But if you didn't identify them as bats....some people might have thought they were chicken, and maybe they taste like chicken (for all I know).

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