Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Five Observations

 1.  Russia-Ukraine war: Since December, I'd say from ARD/ZDF (the two public TV networks in Germany)....the war coverage has dropped by 50 to 75 percent. You can actually get on some evenings (either at 8 PM or 9:45 PM)....zero mention of the war.  

It is rather odd but I think the lessening convinces the public that it is a lesser war now than back in the spring of 2022.  Whether true or not....it doesn't matter.

2.  Just odd....the CDU Party had a big show yesterday....claiming after months of self-examination....new goals for the party.

Oddly, from polling of members....the highest thing that people wanted from the party...was 'freedom' (82-percent).  I'm not sure if they mean MORE freedom, or just have a feeling that freedom still exists in some form. 

3.  Kind of interesting....the German Ministry of the Interior has now said it wants to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI).  In particular (since it's run by the SPD)....they want labeling content to be on anything that comes from AI.  

I'm guessing if you ask AI about the Ministry monitoring and regulating it....they'd say it was fine....since AI was already running the SPD Party and the Interior Ministry.  

4.  The absolute end of nuclear energy in Germany now?  

Well....up until you run short, and then you buy nuke energy from some neighbor country.  I'm sure some Green Party folks will be weeping that they could not disconnect themselves from the nuclear plants.

5.  One odd point has been brought up about the German cannabis legalization business.  You (as a consumer/user) will be allowed to have up to six potted plants in your residence (I'm guessing they will simply trust people not to have 7 or 8)....but there is this funny rule inserted and discussed now.

Apparently, if you had kids or juveniles in the residence....the plants are not to be allowed.  If you did the math....things would be fine with young adults (no kids), and couples over the age of forty-five (kids have left the home).....everyone else would be screwed.  

Another odd rule inserted is that you can smoke cannabis in public areas (shopping districts, parks, bridges) after 8 PM. Anything smoked in the public area (like a park) before 8 PM? Forbidden and gets you into trouble with the cops.

Then you come to cannabis public clubs.....non-profit operations....that grow weed and sell it to you....but with zero profit.  Apparently, the clubs can't be more than 500 members (no one explains why 500).  They also tossed a funny rule into this.....you as a consumer...can only belong to one such club.  You couldn't be a member of the Frankfurt XYZ-club, and the Offenbach-Z-club, for example.  There's not a lot of logic over this rule....just gov't folks thinking you'd over indulge (I assume). 

I end with this funny comment from the Health Ministry....they don't want Germany being a marijuana tourist 'center' (like Amsterdam).

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