Friday, April 7, 2023

Mayor Story

 I sat and watched a video clip from Monday evening.....a event of some type being held up in Hamburg by the Mayor (Peter Tschentscher, SPD).  

At some point in  the mayor's talk....some heckling started to take place....apparently from 'Last Generation' activists and their parents.   

Then, there was this older guy (I'd guess late 69s/early 70s)....who went into turbo-heckling, and swinging his arms around....getting on the stage apparently.  

If I were gauging 'fired-up' behavior....scale of one to ten....I'd give the guy a '7'. 

At this point, the bodyguards for the mayor took the older guy off the stage....with the police apparently arresting him.  It would appear that he wasn't going quietly....with some punches/kicks thrown in.....probably getting an extra charge on avoiding going nicely with the cops.

Court might feel sorry for the guy...reacting this way over his daughter, and not send him off for a month of jail-time.  Typically.....fighting off the German cops is a crappy charge, and you get convicted for stupidity like that.

From what I could gather from the journalist telling the story....several folks at the mayor's conference were parents of activists....already detained and in some holding situation.

The claim by these parents (I assume they are all in their 50s/60s....the kids were not getting proper food, or 'sunlight').  Oddly, the German word 'sonnenlicht' popped up.  I'm not really sure about the German police standard for some guy getting sunlight, while in jail or prison.....there probably is some rule, but you might go five days out of a week in Hamburg, without decent sunlight.  

The old guy was apparently disturbed about his daughter's treatment, while in jail.  

The food thing brought up?  Well....from what I could interpret....the daughter was vegan, and whatever they were dishing out to her...probably violated the vegan standard.  

I can't really speak to this issue....having never spent a night in a jail, or knowing the German jail standard for accommodating delicate people.  It would seem like....if you were a activist of some might want to read up on jail-treatment and jail-food, before getting detained.  

The mayor's reaction?  For about 3 seconds, I sensed that he was in some type of fear....not really expecting some activist 'father' to rush the stage.

Looking crappy for the mayor's message?  I'd say a fair number of locals in Hamburg have little patience left for the activists and the street-delay business.  The court system and the police?  Their patience is probably maxed-out as well.  

It will be curious how this trend continues on, and if you start to see six to twelve months of prison dished out for serious demonstration violations.  Jail-food for six months wouldn't be on my wish-list.  

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