Tuesday, April 4, 2023

My Gut Feeling

 1.  Over the E-car business.

I'll predict that gas/diesel cars will be around on the roads of Germany for the next forty years, and more than half the nation just won't buy into the E-car business.  20 and 30-year old cars?  Yes.  

All of this will be a problem for the Green Party to accept, and continual efforts will be made to permanently remove them from the roads, with no real success.

2.  Heat-pumps will bring significant more requirements for electricity which the gov't did not expect.

One of the unusual pluses of the heat-pump business is that it can cool.  I expect most all Germans who install them....will cool their houses, and trigger higher use of electricity.

Germany having the power sources to accomplish this?  I'm not that convinced, and so more non-German power will be bought (probably from France or Poland), and it'll be more expensive.  

3.  The safety-zone chatter for city centers in Germany?

German police are suggesting more patrols (more manpower actually) in the center of major urban areas to lessen violence and crime.

But if they do arrest people....will they face a criminal court and potential jail-time?  I'm not that convinced.  

4.  E-scooter hostility brewing?

A lot of cities now say there's too many of the E-scooters around.  To be honest, there never was a real plan, and no one could envision how these would fit into metro transport.

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