Saturday, April 29, 2023

Paperwork Story

 The draft to the new 'Self-Determination' law is finished and ready for passage.  What it deals with?  

Basically, your gender stuff would be a simple paperwork drill...rather than some court or judge involved....agreeing you changed this way, or changed back.  You'd fill out some forms....submit them, and a week or two down the'd be noted as such in some national database (your national ID card system).  

Within it, there is some text to deal with sports, prisons, work-place areas, and quotas for businesses.  This part....oddly, has not been talked much about in the public TV sense.

What happens in the Bundestag/Bundesrat?  Anyone's guess.  

What is suggested....with almost no facts to back up the that around 4,000 cases will come up yearly.  There's simply not enough data to say 4,000 is accurate.  We may see a flood in year one....and by year three....fewer than 1,000 a year.

Age figuring into this?  Well....the draft says you can only go into the gender paperwork business....if age 14 or older.  From age 14 to 18?  The kid can submit the paperwork, but the parents have some say in the matter....meaning a judge probably can over-rule the parents.

This likely to be stalled in the Bundestag?  I'm of the opinion that the FDP and CDU will both want serious modifications.  But I also think that the numbers in Germany wanting drastic changes here...aren't that great.  

Flipping back and forth?  In past chatter....the draft said something to the effect that the paperwork business was a once-a-year limit situation.  Meaning you'd go and change your gender, and if'd have to wait for a full year to pass.  

I won't guess out of the 4,000 many will reverse their gender selection after twelve months, but it might be interesting show that number in twelve to eighteen months. 

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