Friday, April 28, 2023

Wolf Chatter

 It's a page 3 type story and won't be discussed much.....but the Farmer's Association of Germany has demanded and will get a discuss the increasing problem of more wolves active in Germany.  

So, there's going to be the farmers, the federal government, the state governments, the pro-wolf lobbyists, and the environmentalists at this meeting.

When?  Today.  It doesn't appear it was openly discussed least with public new TV.

What the farmers want? An active wolf hunting application.  They aren't saying to rid Germany of wolves....they just want the population decreased.

What drove this new emphasis? the past year....a couple of attacks on horses.

The pro-wolf lobby group is pretty active but in this case....I think most people in the federal government will agree that some type of license/limit will be established.  It might go region by region....or state by state.

This being a big deal?  I would say from a non-German watching public TV pieces related to a pro-wolf emphasis....there's been some effort to just let the wolf population linger and grow.  At some point....some kid will be attacked at a school-bus-stop, and get dragged down.  Then....everyone will explode about the evil wolf situation.  


Wrench said...

The police are searching for someone who is killing wolves in my regional area. No suspects yet. Apparently, a few sheep have been attacked.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

In every community around rural areas...there are hunters. In my village (4,000)...I'd guess around around 60 folks have a gun permit and a hunting tower somewhere in the area. If you stopped them and did the question's wild boar and deer. All legit.

In Hessen, maybe in the far NE...some wolf reports. This is mostly a N and NE Germany issue (the bear thing is a Bavaria discussion).

The pro-wolf lobby has a limit on selling their brand to the's like telling people about the 'good-bears', and thinking that 'good-wolves' makes logical sense.