Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Six German News Stories

 1.  There's a Focus commentary piece today which I thought was interesting.....written by Hugo Müller-Vogg.  Topic?  With all this prioritization over climate change....it's a pretty certain bet that major German companies will downsize and leave Germany.

He leads in with companies having a "saviors of the world" feeling.

I'd recommend a reading.....here.

It won't be a fast paced thing, but over a decade....you will start to notice that companies that require significant electricity to produce products....will figure out the places which offer cheaper power.  

Population decline?  Some people might see reasons to exit Germany.  The majority will tough it out.

2.  'Hart Aber Fair' public forum from last night (ARD, 9 PM)?  It was mostly an hour of live discussion over organic fake meat and carrying on as a vegan.  I gave it about four minutes of concentration, and then moved on.  

Just for reference, it's figured around 3.2-percent of German society is vegan.  For the record, it is a transitory number....there are always Germans who make the attempt to go vegan....sticking it out for six to twelve months, and eventually return to some level of marginal meat consumption (primarily giving up beef/pork, and trying to be a fish/turkey/chicken consumer).  

3.  Between various news networks....there's a fair amount of chatter going on....over the new German property tax law.  It would appear that it'll be challenged in court, over several different levels.  The court forcing the sixteen states to continue with the old tax program, until this is settled?  Hard to say.  These type of cases can take two years to get through the court system. 

4.  It's not a very clear reason....but the ARD/ZDF system wants the monthly tax increased....in order to reform (going to some type of digitalization), and they claim....they'd then be cost effective.  This goes along the line of suggesting all their production (including the sub-networks) would go along streaming avenues. 

People believing this logic?  I'd just offer the humble belief that less than half the viewership believe them.  

Using the streaming services currently?  In an average month, at least within my household....there might be one occasion where German public TV (from ARD or ZDF) is streamed.  Both have decent offerings.  If you were making a bigger deal of the lesser networks (like BR or HR).....anything that is new....is digitalized and you can load via streaming.  The old stuff?  No.

It would appear that hundreds of thousands of 'old' shows could be digitized (if you had enough money)....things going back to the 1990s, and probably onto the 1960s. 

My question....would that many people even watch old programming from 1975?  

5.  Out of Heilbronn....couple of months ago, several 'Last Generation' activists blocked a road (meaning, they glued themselves to the street).  They were detained, sent to court and fined.  Well....they paid the fine....exited the building and went back to block another road.

Yesterday, judge in Heilbronn said 'enough'.  Second arrest of this crew....jail time now....3 months.

Odds that they exit the jail, and block a road within 24 hours?  I'd give it a 50-50 odds situation.  

6.  Worries in Bavaria over a potential bear?  

Well....N-TV had a brief piece....some folks noted bear tracks out in some wooded area in Bavaria.  

If you remember the last bear (Bruno, 2006)....things didn't go well. 

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