Saturday, April 1, 2023

Shaming Tactic?

 WELT brought up an interesting topic today....German trend to report on guilty parties.

Basically...a number of organizations (I would refer to them as 'do-gooders').....have set up portals where you can report illegal parking, dumping of garbage, people who aren't attempting gender-talk control, etc.

None of this is city, state or federally mandated....I should note.  

It just seems like if you knew that your name or picture got aired'd be fear of whatever 'evil' you were accomplishing.  You know....'shaming' people.

In the US, you'd simply open up the door for some physical altercation, where someone would take a baseball bat to your car, or threaten you on the street.  Thankfully, we don't have that behavior yet in Germany.

Is this a odd change in culture?  I have to say...from the 1970s or one would have dreamed of this type of action.  I would imagine if you were talking to an older German (from 1930s environment), they probably do remember the Nazis engaging in this 'report-form' of shaming people.

At the current pace of things?  I suspect in five years....people will be stationed at open areas to photograph people smoking, or identifying cars on the autobahn going over 130 kilometers per hour.  


M1-19k said...

One good thing about being old is that they can’t cancel you or get you fired from your job if you have already retired. That type of intimidation only works on this young woke generation. Please cancel me from instagram I will be so heartbroken.

Wrench said...

In order to not be removed from websites, I use terms they probably don't have the brain cells to know or'fecal cephalic'. etc.