Saturday, April 22, 2023

Five German News Stories

 1. That attempt to use AI-chat to produce a fake Michael Schumacher interview?  The editor-in-charge was fired yesterday.

2.  Focus had an excellent piece talking about the fantasy that Germans might have....believing that from their electrical socket....they have no more nuke energy.  Reality?  They are buying/importing nuke energy from beyond the border.  Funny in a way....but demonstrates the naïve nature of Germans

3.  I noticed off Brit news.....the climate activists who were arrested for blocking a significant bridge in the London area....were sent off to several years of prison.  No longer a joke there.

Lot of hype building up for Monday....with claims in Berlin that a massive and ongoing effort by the Last Generation activists will start up.  

4.  Total cost for Covid figured for the German government....from day one on.....440 billion Euro (about half-a-trillion dollars).  WELT discussed this in the AM today.

5.  Transportation Minister has stood up and said 'no'....cities on their own....can't mandate 30 kph as the standard speed unless you meet the traditional requirements (traffic density for example).  Dozens of cities have efforts going on to mandate the '30-idea' (Mainz is an example).  

50 kph is the norm in most cities for streets and main avenues.  

Part of Mainz's reasoning goes to an effort to make the city more bike-friendly.  


Bigus Macus said...

I hope that Brits that got sent to jail get nice non climate-controlled cells.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I noted this of the folks going off in the UK is some vicar (priest). My gut feeling? I think God put him into a compromised position, to have him sent to save a few souls. Vicar will do what he can....clean up his act (no booze for a couple of months) and come out a better man.