Friday, April 7, 2023

Five German News Stories

 1.  I won't hype on this much, but Focus went out and interviewed folks over this Hamburg shooter (guy killed 7 folks....from 3 months ago).  There's a lot of evidence that various people tried to warn the authorities that the guy was mentally unbalanced and his ability to hold weapons should have been revoked.  We aren't talking about one single path....several instances discussed, and nothing came out of the warning business.

I should note here....both the father and the brother of the shooter tried to get the gun license revoked, and the system simply wasn't working in some manner to accomplish that.

2.  ARD (Channel 1) polled Germans.....7 out of 10 think that the current coalition gov't is not functioning.  They aren't saying it's a failure....just that getting anything always a problem between the three parties of the coalition.  

3.  WELT had a piece talking about the 'ban' that was established in Germany over Brazilian order to save the rain-forest.  Well....globally, lot of people positive over Brazilian even if the Germans banned it.....others bought it.  The ban was worthless in the end.  

4.  Last Generation activists yesterday blocked the Elbe Tunnel in Hamburg....for 5 hours.  20-kilometer long traffic jam was triggered.  Lot of disgruntled travelers.  

5.  Sweden yesterday, made a comment over the Nord Stream I/II explosion.  Basically, they have gained no facts in the case to point at any group or country.  They assume it's state-sponsored, but they admit.....facts aren't there to support the chatter.  

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