Sunday, April 9, 2023

Künstliche Tussy?

 I had to go and look up a German phrase today.....künstliche Tussy.  

Künstliche by itself in German.....means artificial or made-up.  You might use the term with plants, IT software, or landscaping.  

Tussy? generally means a younger woman, a babe, or a 'chick'.

So this was a commentary about a artificial 'chick'?  Yeah.

A younger German guy would suggest that this is a young lady who has sixteen different make-up features....a 90-Euro nail-job....and has on shoes that run 300 Euro minimum.  

This was thrown-around commentary over a German TV show (naturally, NOT on public TV), and a particular member of a jury 'awarding' points.  

The problem with German entertainment....people get attracted to all this artificial stuff, and the more fakeness that you insert into a seems to draw even more viewers.  So being just regular today not enough. 

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