Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Eight German News Stories: 16 Aug 2023

 1.  Russians announced yesterday....via Russian central bank....national interest rate which had been 8.5-percent....reset now to 12-percent. I would guess some business front 'stall' for remainder of occur.

2.  Lot of chatter over break-downs of the two Airbus A340 aircraft used by Scholz and his coalition 'team'.  Story goes that the Bundeswehr wants to retire the two, and go to the A350 (considered to be less issues).  

I should note....the big Australia trip planned by the Foreign Minister?  That's been cancelled because of the reliability issues with the two planes.  

What I generally don't buy here....the A340 is regularly used by various airlines, and you just don't see this problem occurring.  

3.  German Association of Judges came out against the legalization of Cannabis.  Added weight to stall or hinder legalization....which was supposed to occur in early 2024.

4.  Rather odd pool 'assault' in Berlin late Monday afternoon.  Two ladies got into some argument with the pool security-guard (I would imagine a 'bouncer' type person hired by the pool folks).

The two ladies get peeved by the 'lecture' and call their boyfriends.  Boyfriends show up....assault the pool security-guard.  Cops then get called.

This will probably revolve around the poor quality of private security folks being hired-up to fix the brawls at pools.  

5.  The Attorney General of Germany (Wissing, FDP Party) has said now that there has to be cannabis 'limits' on drivers.  As legalization of weed occurs....there's probably going to be standard tests of drivers.

6.  WELT piece this 400,000 Afghan people in Germany.

7.  New coalition gov't idea of convincing retirees in Germany to 'leave' their current housing situation in the highly urbanized areas, and move to small towns/ younger people more access to homes/apartments (because of the housing crisis).

8.  Heat wave coming to central Germany over next five days....temp up to 86 F for my area. 

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