Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  A unique storm front came through the Rhine Valley last night.  Huge amount of rain for about 90 minutes in my region.  Just within the village area itself....I think at least 20 lightning strikes occurred against trees or buildings.  

Weather service says 25,000 lightning bolts were observed in the Frankfurt-Wiesbaden region from this storm.

What comes behind the front?  Friday through Monday.....31 C (88 F) temperatures.

2.  WELT piece.....around 50-percent of German society fully supports cannabis legalization.  Rest is split.....either no real opinion or against it. 

3.  In several German states, as you travel on the autobahn....there's a power line situation....for a test to introduce electric-trucks.  Experimental phase.  WELT says that the tests aren't going well, and that this probably has reached a maximum use situation.

4.  Draft law circling around the Bundestag....on Bundeswehr soldiers who are noted as 'extremists'.  Key provision?  No court action....this would be a paperwork drill and the individual would be routed out in a matter of days.  

Likely to be challenged in court?  Yeah, and the brewing issue....if you opened up this path....there's nothing to say that 3,000 Bundeswehr soldiers end up on a exit list....making the manpower issue even greater.  

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