Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Heat Study

 For about 1,800 years, my local town of Wiesbaden has been around.  This year, the state has Hessen has handed a 'duty' to the city council....develop a heat-plan.  Basically, they want the city to plan for dramatic heat waves in the future.

So the pumped out a 'survey' this

I sat there mostly amused.  They want to know the hot places in town, and the cool places.

Where you have tree cover (like the city park system) where you have shade and less heat.

Where you have tin-roofs, asphalt in abundance (parking lots) and concrete where you have heat magnets.

If you asked the city lacking shade trees?  I'd say could probably plant 20,000 additional trees in the city.  But I'd also warn you.....with wind-storms and heavy twenty might have a thousand trees damaged or falling over.

How did we survive for those centuries without a heat-plan?  Unknown.

Will there be some kind of heat-Czar existing for the city in the future?  I pondered this....thinking, yeah....some gal/guy will get this duty.  

If we had a couple of blizzard situations....would the state get all worried and ask the city to develop a snow-Czar?  Yeah, that's possible too.

All I can see here....probably in 2024 to 2025....there's probably going to be several thousand trees a year planted, and maybe in twenty years....their shade will be appreciated.  

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