Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  The US State Department gave out some 'warning' for US citizens to leave Belarus yesterday.  Any reason given?  No.

BS?  Maybe they think some weird military action is about to start.  Number of Americans there?  It would shock me if you were talking about more than 300 Americans in the country.  It's not exactly a tourist destination for Americans.

2.  Gorlitzer Park, fairly well known in Berlin for being a drug-sales area....is now supposed to become some 'model-park' operation.  What this means?  Well....the city wants to put up more lights, and offer 'green' maintenance (no idea what that means).

General idea?  Intense pressure is now on the city management folks....to get the drug-sales dissolved.  

3.  Because of petty crime escalation......Koln police went to a new policy....certain areas of the city, they are stopping and IDing  juveniles.  I would suspect they are quietly sending a message....we know your name, and have some image on our cam, if you screw up, we will find you.

4.  Russian mercenary boss Prigozhin in Africa?  Well....there is a video of a guy who looks like Prigozhin who claims he's in some African country from the last day or two.  

The real Prigozhin?  I'm not going to vouch on that.

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