Monday, August 21, 2023

Three German News Stories

 1.  Over the weekend, the Premier-President (Governor) of Saxony-Anhalt came out with a statement on public TV.  Reiner Haseloff spoke to what is on paper....the primary job of ARD/ZDF (the two public TV channels)......they are supposed to be around to provide culture, information, and education.  

His 'poke'?  Well....they aren't there to provide sports or entertainment. 

Will this get any traction?  I'd say that a minimum of 50-percent of German society has some criticism of public TV, and probably a third of society would like to see them downsized drastically.  

If you count up the normal 18-hour day for a's 126 hours of value, then multiply this by two....there 252 hours that ARD and ZDF put out.

Going to culture, information and education....I might agree around 100 hours fit easily into that situation.....another 50 hours marginally fit (by this, I point at cooking shows, Hollywood-news shows, etc). The rest?  Movies, sports shows, game shows, etc.  

I would say this...if you actually forced them to delete to delete most sports and all could cut the budget by a significant amount.  But I would the prime-time (8:15 PM to 11 PM), there would be a major drop in their viewership.  

2.  Chancellor Scholz came out with a statement over the weekend.....he's never smoke Cannabis in his life.  So in this discussion of legalization.....he's had a non-supportive view of where the law is going.   I suspect if you went down the list of the top twenty SPD or CDU probably will only find two or three who've smoked weed in their life.  Green Party?  Well....I would imagine 90-percent will admit they've tried weed, and half still use it once or twice a month. 

3.  In tourism news, I noticed Greece is having probably the best 'visitor' year ever....even with the fire business and hot temperatures.  

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