Monday, August 21, 2023

Too Many Public Forum Shows on German Public TV?

 Well....apparently a discussion has started up over ARD and ZDF....talking about the number of German public forum shows, and how similar they have become.

If you add it up between the two networks....there's probably about ten different shows existing, and someone finally noticed that they all kinda run the same talking topics.  

I could suggest that five years ago.  At one point in 2020....almost every public forum show was hyping Covid.  I'm not talking about for a week or two....but literally for months.

The 'control committee' has established some kind of test and putting the shows under some pressure to find new or different topics each week to discuss.

Where this is going to lead to?  I would imagine you will start to see rarely discussed bio-crops, or recreation, or special types of economic issues....being openly discussed.  

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