Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Six German News Stories

 1.  At the current pace for the fall 2025 German national election, it would appear that the Linke Party will NOT achieve 5-percent or more in the results.  Consequence?  They will fail to meet the number required to have seats in the Bundestag......non-player in national politics.  

What remains?  In the five eastern states of Germany....they probably will have enough to play around for the time being.  National players?  It will be curious what happens to them, and if they can find work to keep them in the public eye.

2.  Political 'boss' of the Linke Party resigned?  As of this AM, Mohamed Ali (yes, that's her name) resigned and won't stand in the next party chief election.  

3.  Big piece on ARD (public TV) news....on the success of the 49-Euro Bahn (railway ticket, monthly go-anywhere ticket).  In fact, trains are pretty full, and have little room left.  

4.  Germany says no more cooperation funding for Niger, while this coup-government is in place.

5.  Don't know if it's a new trend, but purchases for heat pumps in Germany dropped big-time in the first half of 2023,  compared to 2022 numbers.  At current pace for the year?  Half of last year's numbers.  Bad sign?  

6.  Interesting interview on N-TV this AM....talk by CDU politician Julia Klöckner.

So, in past days.....AfD Party has said there is a absolute demand for a higher birth rate, and the gov't (coalition) needs to do something to encourage more kids.

Klöckner says 'NO'....that women aren't birthing 'machines', but agrees....there needs to be some kind of gov't meeting and discuss new tactics for increasing the birth rate around Germany.

I'll just add....this topic has been discussed for sixty years, and gone nowhere in German politics.  You'd have to reform taxation, bump up kindergarden finances, and offer something a bit more on incentives to have 2 or 3 kids.  

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