Monday, September 10, 2018

Cruise Story

It's a page three type story but a lot of Germans are curious about it.

Back in 2002, the Germans started a show....'Germany Seeks a Super-Star' (pop-singers). Somewhere in the mix of the final dozen was this kid....Daniel Küblböck.

My description (I watched the show that year) was that the kid had some talent, and was an emotional roller-coaster.  He was gay and just seemed to me not able to handle it.  Course he was 17 years old, and this show was designed for theatrics (drama within each person) more than singing.

Well....he finished third on the show, and went onto some 'mild' success. 

Over the weekend (at age 33), he was on some cruise boat going from Hamburg to New York.  Near the Canadian coast.....he is reported to have jumped overboard.  Search?  Nothing has been found and he's pretty much given up for dead at this point.....shocking a lot of Germans.

Success-wise?  Well....I think he kept waiting for things to turn around, and it just never happened. 

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