Thursday, September 13, 2018

Limburg and Diesel Cars

It came up in regional 'chat' today, that Limburg (a town about 30 minutes away from me), has gotten all hyped-up to ban diesel car entry.

It's mostly a historical town with around 35,000 people.  The big deal of the town is a cathedral. 

What HR (my public TV news folks) that for years, the air testing has concluded that there is a fair amount of diesel particles in the air.  The mayor is now concerned over the numbers and thinks he can draw up the paperwork to ban the cars.

Will it reach the final stage?  No one can say for sure.  What you typically see is that towns on the shadow of Frankfurt and Wiesbaden.....have a lot of people who drive 50 to 100 kilometers per day, and I'd take a guess that Limburg has at least 5,000 diesel cars in town.  Just on angering that crowd alone.....I might have avoided taking this idea to some public discussion.

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