Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Maaßen Decision

The decision was made in the last hour over this mini-crisis with the office of the President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution....Hans-Georg Maaßen.  I essayed the main part of this story earlier in the day.

So the decision is.....he goes to be the under-secretary of the Interior Ministry (the number two under Seehofer).

Fired?  No.  Transferred.

The problem now?  Well....they have to go and find the replacement guy, then make him understand that even if there is misinformation or disinformation going on from ANTIFA....they are to disregard it and investigate all right-wing activities....even fake activities.  I think the cops will tell you that thousands of man-hours will go into the new direction with little to no real value added. 

Public perception?  The news media will make this a marvelous story and the SPD folks will spend two days talking over how they corrected bad behavior by the state authority....protecting the rights of everyone.  But down at the common man level?  I doubt if more than a quarter of population really had any grasp of the guy, his job, and what this whole discussion was about.

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