Monday, September 10, 2018

Swedish Election Results

I think most non-Swedes can take four things out of this election yesterday:

1.  There is no clear 'winner'.  The mature Swedish Social Democratic Party took around 31-percent of the vote.  The second place winner was the Moderate Party with 23-percent.  Third place was the Swedish Democratic Party (right-wing in nature) with 13-percent of the national vote.  There are five additional parties which took less than 7-percent each.  So to form a government, it'll take four-plus parties to achieve it. 

2.  For the right-wing party, I suspect that they were hoping on 20-percent...but were satisfied.  If you go north out Stockholm.....virtually every district went with the Social Democratic Party.  It's in the urban areas that the right-wing party took real votes.

3.  Some polls done in March of 2018, showed the Swedish Democratic Party (right-wing folks) at near 20-percent. They've lost some support over the past six months.

4.  This was a 84-percent turn-out, which compared to most European countries....was a fairly high number. 

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