Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Driver Story

Last night for some news documentary piece....RTL (commercial German TV) did a piece on 'selling' German licenses to immigrants.  What their reporters says.....over past five years, maybe up to 150,000 people came to a group of driving instructors, and paid money to absolutely pass.  Amount?  The reporter suggests on up to 5,000 Euro might have been paid to pass.

The fear?

Well....I'm guessing some German authorities are looking over the facts and starting an investigation.  The general fear is that some of the 150,000 (maybe all) are not capable of driving on German roads.  Tens of millions of Euro involved?  Well....yeah, and probably not listed on tax forms as income.  Yep, a tax violation if proven.

Factual?  You just don't know.  Some folks spoke to this, when telling the reporter the story, but it's pure speculation. 

It just opens up a can of worms where people ask more questions, and they won't like the answers. 

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