Saturday, September 8, 2018

Resolving the Migration/Immigration Crisis in Germany

This is one of those thought-provoking essays that I write on occasion.

First, to make it clear....I don't think the migration, asylum and immigration problems existing in Germany today....can be resolved, and the dynamics are such that path is laid out for the AfD Party to emerge in ten to fifteen years with a national win in an election.  They won't be able to forge an coalition, but the anger and frustration will continue, and four years later.....they will have the win, and enough votes to run the government without coalition efforts.  It's a sad prediction of mine, and I'll admit it's basically going down the same path as existed in 1930. 

How to prevent this escalation?

1.  You'd have to back to the German that paragraph that guarantees a review to any asylum request made.  It would be near impossible with the current make-up of the Bundestag to make any change. 

You would need to have some PhD folks do a study and establish that in a normal year.....Germany can handle x-number of 'new' Germans or to approve x-number of guests.  With 82-million, it needs to be a percentage number that the PhD folks come to advise.  My humble guess is that it needs to be in the neighborhood of 250,000 to 350,000.  It needs to take into consideration short-term space in welcome centers, the affordable housing crisis, and what Germany can actually afford.

2.  Your problem-children....the ones that make the front pages in assaults, rapes, and murders....along with drug activities....are all young males.  You need a simplified list of conditions.  Once a condition is 'busted' by the don't allow the behavior or stupidity to continue.  You detain the guy....establish facts....using dedicated judges (not the local guys).  Once proven on violation of the condition, you escort the guy to some detention center with real security and start deportation.  The problem-children can't remain.

I would even go to suggest that you bring all immigrant males (under the age of 30) into a conference room every year, for a one-hour lecture on the conditions that would get them 'busted'.  Show them the deportation center. 

3.  Stop acceptance of any juvenile 'guests' who are unaccompanied.  Let the 'kid' know that other than a one-way ticket back to their homeland, you won't help them or accept them.  No job.  No shelter.  Nothing.  Stop being a baby-sitter service.

4.  Stop trying to intimidate your neighbor countries into accepting migrants or immigrants.  All you are doing is making the 'German-brand' look like some overgrown bully.  Stop trying to get the EU into being the overgrown bully instead of the German state itself.  The bully tactics make you look childish and reckless.

5.  If you have unemployment in a city of more than don't 'dump' immigrants into that city.  It's useless to put people into an area where there will be no jobs.  If the nation is suffering through a recession and the national unemployment level is 7-percent, then you need to cut off approval of migrants or immigrants until the unemployment levels improve.

6.  You establish a path to a residence visa that means 90-percent of the crowd must apply in their homeland or outside of Germany.  'Walkers' (the ones who hike across the border) will be limited to 10-percent of the yearly total.  You encourage higher passing rates for those who've passed German language classes (at least A2-level) prior to arrival in Germany.  Those who've taken the 100-hour integration course in their home-country...will also get higher rates of acceptance.  Those who have legit skills (nursing, mechanics, carpentry)....would also have higher rates of acceptance.

7.  You establish a PhD committee who has the sole job of studying the creation and failures of 'ghettos'.  You start talking to states and cities about how to avoid the creation of ghetto situations. 

8.  You establish a 'promise' to the general public.  Your chief concern is NOT to save the world or every single asylum seeker, but to help actual Germans.  If 15-percent of the present society in Germany is on welfare (Hartz-IV) serves no real purpose to bring in 300,000 a year and continue working on increasing a society of welfare participants. 

9.    You need to go and have a national discussion on religious holidays because sooner or later....there will be enough voters to pressure the political apparatus into having Muslim holidays.  If you want to play the 5th-graders game and just pretend this discussion will never come up....just wait ten years. 

I don't believe any of these nine topics will be discussed, and in roughly fifteen years.....the nation will be thrown back into the 1930s 'solution' period.  You can blame the the political parties that exist....the news media....and even the intellectual crowd, but it won't matter.  History will end up repeating itself. 

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