Sunday, September 30, 2018


You might see 'Fachkräftezuwanderungsgesetz' thrown around a bit with Germans (at least the political folks and journalists).

So a basic description of the term.  Basically, it's a skill labor immigration law....which suggests a doorway or path that you can enter Germany as a highly desired guy, and work for a company.  Yes, kinda like the US version of the work-visas.

Why it's a big deal?  The dwindling population is worrying some industry folks and they need a pathway to exist where they can go and recruit thousands of folks each come in....get into some language training and start working for some German company.

The worry by working-class Germans?  You might see too many people enter, and the salary levels start to stall or stagnant.  So there's a growing discussion over how this will work, and if it might be constructed in a stupid way.

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