Sunday, September 2, 2018

Diesel Scandal Flipping to Gas Cars as Well?

It's one of those stories that you have to wonder about.  I saw it noted in Focus magazine this morning....just a couple of short bits.

It's apparently going to be in the Sunday edition of Bild (Bild am Sonntag) that the diesel crisis/scandal that folks have been observing for two years now.....might go to the next step and involve gasoline cars as well.

The hype?  There's a suggestion that VW, Audi and Porsche might have manipulated the exhaust tests in gasoline engines as well (not only diesel). 

How big of a deal will this turn into?  First, you don't know if this is true or not.  Second, they would have to explain what exactly they did and if it really made any difference in the tests. 

I would suggest this....if they confirm all of this, and you find out that twenty-million additional vehicles in Germany are producing some heavy pollutants, it'll freak out the political folks and create some massive wave of distrust of the auto industry. 

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