Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Halal Story

It was a basic page three story that came up today out of Hamburg.  Some folks in the 'state' Landestag (remember, as a city (Hamburg), it's really a state-city).....someone asked if there were meetings going on about school lunches and complaints about the food not being Halal. 

Halal in this case is a Islamic method of butchering up the intended livestock (except pork), and it says bluntly that you must first cut the animal at the neck, and allow all of the blood to drip out, before butchering it.

Well....five years ago, someone could have predicted that this day would arrive.

What's said here is that complaints have arisen in Hamburg and parents want the meat that's served in the school be Halal-done.

Most all schools in Germany already have two major conflicts going on with school menus, and most would prefer to just avoid the menu deal entirely....serving nothing.

The two conflicts prior to Halal?  The nutritional crowd arrived a decade ago and they demanded that any meal served.....must have nutritional values.  The second conflict is the group that came up in the last three years....demanding vegetarian lunches be served.  Adding Halal?  It kinda means you have to go to certain butchers for this meat.  Also, you'd likely get into the no-pork discussion real quick.

All of this adds cost onto the school menu business, which has to come out of some budget.

The odds that this will spread to other states?  I would go and predict within ten years.....all German states are faced with this conflict. 

Me personally?  I think I'd just give each kid a banana and an apple.....with a glass of tap-water, and get out of this whole discussion. 

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