Saturday, September 1, 2018

Why the German Authorities Worry About the Chemnitz Demonstrations

Throughout this week....topic number one every single night at the 8 PM ARD public TV Chemnitz and the 'right-wing' or neo-Nazi-like demonstrations. This weekend, for Sunday....a massive show is planned, with a massive show of police to control or limit the demonstration.

There are basically three threat elements to this.

1.  Two state elections come up over the next two months (Bavaria and Hessen). Some people believe that the AfD Party might be able to swing some votes in the time left, and this might bring might increase by an additional five points the party position (not enough to win but enough worry folks).  The same worry exists for the four elections in 2019 (the EU election and the three East German state elections).

2.  You could create a 'wave-effect' in Chemnitz where suddenly a fair number of migrants/immigrants....pack up and resettle into another city.  Just to suggest that the wave triggered a thousand or two-thousand people to flee some city....worries some of the authorities.

3.  The image is at stake.  Other countries in the EU look at the demonstrations and ask questions.  Some make criticisms over the German policy that leads to this public anger. 

It's hard to say if the cops can really control demonstration wave, or if they have any real enthusiasm for dangerous duty like this (some remember how they were treated after the Hamburg riots last year).  My guess is that the authorities might be a little surprise that it's not as effective as in year's past.....because of the way they treated the cops in court. 

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