Tuesday, September 18, 2018

When a German Utters 'Gerne'

To be honest, most German words don't really translate very well, and you kinda select some phrase or English wording....that works as best as possible.

So you come to the word or phrase that you might hear at least once or twice a day....'gerne'.

The best translation is.....'with pleasure'.

A good example....some German guy will order cheese cake and coffee at the bakery, and he will utter the phrase 'gerne' in the phrase.  'I will have x-coffee and cheesecake, with pleasure'.   Or the guy leaves out 'gerne' and the bakery lady says she'd be happy to serve him....with pleasure.

A key word?

More or less.

Just remember when you hear it.....they are trying for a brief second or two....to be friendly and courteous.  Give the poor German a hug, and let them know you appreciate the 'with pleasure' moment. 

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