Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fehmarnbelt Project

 Up at the north end of Germany, there's been this plan planning on the table to build a tunnel under the North Sea area...17.6 km long.  You'd drive over a German bridge on the north end....to reach the German isle of Fehmarn.  Then you'd pay a toll, and enter the tunnel....to reach the Danish area of Lolland.  

Environmentalists figured that they'd be able to stop the tunnel.....keeping the ferry business going.  Well....today, via NDR, the court opened up to discuss the legality of the whole project (valued at more than a billion dollars).  

The plan actually started around 25 years ago, and started to become a reality in the past decade.

End-point?  Well....if nothing happens to stall this....they say 2029 will be the end-point.  So a 50-odd minute trip by Ferry ends, and the new journey then?  Around 7 to 10 minutes.  

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