Wednesday, September 23, 2020

When the Censorship Path Turns Slippery

"Censorship is the protection against "false truths."

-- Frank Ulrich Montgomery (appearing on Sunday night's Anne Will forum show, on ARD).

This was a long discussion (Sunday evening) on the Anne Will public forum show (public TV, ARD), to debate the Covid-19 business, the anti-Covid ban rule folks, allegations of false facts and propaganda, and handling the general public.

I won't say that we have a crisis in Germany over least not yet.  But various Germans have put the public networks (ARD, ZDF, etc) on this mute-status (going back over decades for various issues).  

There is a general perception by politicians and journalists that the public is headed down a path that is dangerous, and that only via censorship....can the public be protected.  

The problem I see with this....who will be the person who is the 'fact-checker' and determining 'false truths', and when they fail....what exactly is the best way to correct the system?  Censoring the censors?

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